Friday, March 4, 2011

Erica Giggles

I have to admit I'm a little jealous that Justin is the best at making Erica laugh. But I shouldn't be surprised. He's the silliest one in our house. And it makes it easy for me to capture on camera. Enjoy! (Sorry it's in pieces.)


Emily said...

Ha ha, that is so funny! I love her little laugh and it's fun to hear Justin laugh in the background too. He seems so pleased with cute!

Can't even WAIT to see you guys!!!

Jared and Erin said...

What a good big brother. I'm sure it was hard for him to make farting noises so much. The sacrifices they make:)
She has the cutest giggle. I love baby laughs!

Carol and Bruce said...

That is so adorable, I am smiling so hard it hurts. It's like she is begging him for more entertainment. It's so cute how he loves playing with her and is silly, that gets lost somewhere along the way. Thanks for letting me know that was here. Can't wait to see you soon.

Jenni said...

I had to watch these MULTIPLE TIMES! SO ADORABLE! She is getting so big! My favorite part is justin's cute giggle in the background! I am SOOO counting down the days until I get to see you and smooch that baby girl!

Alicia said...

So cute! Hey, we will be in Utah the middle of July until the end of July. Will we get to see you guys?

Ben & Diane said...

I'm not sure if I laughed more at Erica or Justin. TOO cute!

Lisette said...

Super cute!!

Melissa said...

Awwww, super cute!!! Can't wait to see you next week and have cupcakes!!!