Thursday, June 28, 2007

I wish all babies could be second babies!

My doctor told me while I was in labor that this was her favorite quote from a patient and I now totally subscribe to it too. Everything was easier and shorter this time around: labor, delivery, recovery, breastfeeding, the works. Instead of being totally worried about how to take care of a newborn, I just worried about how to split my time between two kids and how to meet both their needs. So in that way, I guess it's just a different set of worries. But Justin has been a sweet baby (no colic has set in yet-- knock on wood), and Joseph has been very good to Justin and very patient with me as I take care of a newborn's many demands. (I forgot how much they poop!) I am still getting used to saying that I have kids, plural. That sounds so crazy. But I feel so blessed to have another beautiful, healthy boy and to be a new mom again.


rose said...

i totally agree!!! so much easier the 2nd time around. you can actually enjoy everything because you're not freaked out about what to do. that's great that joseph is being patient. it's the best when they start interacting and making eachother laugh. there is nothing better!
congrats again!

the splendid life of us... said...

Look at how beautiful you look after just having a baby. If I ever get to have a baby, I sure hope that I look half that good. He looks so cute in your arms, I really like the croc outfit. I am so glad that it all went well, and Joseph looks like such a sweety, I am not suprised that he is doing so well with little Justin. Congrats on your growing family.

Emily said...

Hey! I'm so blessed to have another little nephew! How about you guys just keep the kids coming...since we now know it's so much easier after having one...this way I don't have to have anymore, but I still get to hold lots of little babie! Sounds like a plan! I MISS YOU GUYS!

Emily said...

Babies...I don't know how I misspelled that one.

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

Jill, you look so great! So happy with your second little boy! Thank goodness to hear that things are generally easier the sencond time around cause man, having and caring for a newborn is tough work!

Anonymous said...

relay the good news about the 2nd baby being easier to our lovely sister emily :)